Mosaic middle schoolers have been studying the elements that make up a civilization and what causes a civilization to fall. The students are comparing ancient Greece and Aztec cultures and then analyzing why those civilizations failed and what they could have done differently to avoid their collapse. The students will be splitting up into different groups of lawyers, judges, jury members and researchers hired by the lawyers, to present evidence of their case in court. Students will be applying a variety of skills that can also be applied outside of the classroom such as collaboration, providing evidence for a constructive argument, observing how our justice system operates, employing cause and effect arguments to explain history and the ability to back up an idea or opinion. After the debate, students will use the knowledge they gathered about past civilizations and apply it to the current Sheboygan community to make a prediction concerning our communities' future.
1/24/13 Peer Relations Meeting Recap
Students chose an academic component of interest to them and then created a sculpture related to their learning.
Mosaic students presented the play Robot Rescue in their Acting Seminar on Tuesday, November 27.
Creative Movement Presentation - What is one important thing you learned about yourself as a dancer or your academic component?
Video: Strings wrote and preformed a song about the food chain. The driving question for this project was "How do the animals in the food chain...
Today Mosaic students shared what they have been working on in their second seminar of the day. An all school tour through seminar rooms allowed students to present their learning to the school community, and get a glimpse of what their classmates have been doing in other seminar classes.
The Mosaic Stream is a school newspaper written by the students.
Drew was one of about 100 middle school students who competed at the state Geography Bee in Madison on March 30.
Mosaic sixth-grader Drew Engberg is one of three SASD students who qualified to participate in the state Geography Bee March 30 in Madison.