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Transitions reflect the on-going value of visible thinking How could tattoo design demonstrate understanding of elements in the Periodic Table? How might plants and animals battle to survive...
We will begin the next MAP testing period on Monday, January 12th.
We Are the Willows will play The Étude Sessions at Paradigm Coffee and Music on Saturday, January 10 at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at Paradigm for $15, $10 for students with valid IDs.
The Mosaic Journalism Class is excited to announce the release of their first Issue of The Mosaic Stream!
As the busy holiday season approaches, I want to update you on upcoming schedule changes at our school.
As the Journalism Class prepares to publish their first issue, they are collecting photo evidence to go with their articles. This image shows six different technical drawings of a train. These drawings were used in last trimester's Intro to Engineering project, where students improved upon a vehicle of their choice in multiple ways. The upcoming article on this project will be about the Exhibitions that students did based on these projects. Look for the first issue of "The Mosaic Stream" on Monday, December 22nd.
The Étude Sessions is proud to present, We are the Willows on January 13th, 2015 as they support their new album, Picture (Portrait).
Camp Étude has already begun. However, it is not too late to participate.
I hope to become a teacher who can confidently help students find their passion specifically in my field, to help them find books they will love...