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March 5, 2015
by: Tad Phippen Wente

School of Writers: “19 Writers” speak out about what they do

In her foreword to Caroline Sharp’s The Writer’s Workbook: Daily Exercises for the Writing Life, Elizabeth Gilbert recounts the following conversation with a friend:

“What would you rather do,” Joe asked. “Would you rather wash all your dirty laundry, run it through the drier, fold it, put it away in your drawers, and then take those same clean clothes out of your drawers, unfold them and wash them all over again, or...would you rather spend the same amount of time writing?”

“Laundry,” I replied without hesitation. “I would definitely do the laundry twice.”
She is talking about the hard work of writing (and how easily writers can be distracted from doing this work they love).

Trimester 2 at IDEAS Academy, 19 writers gathered every morning in The Writing Room first block to focus, access their minds, and write. Except for Workshop days they pretty much ignored one another. Each huddled over a Chromebook or a notebook, fingers working, maybe earbud leashes connecting sound and thought, or maybe not. They independently, collectively, entered ‘the zone.’ Writers. It’s how they work.

On Workshop days they became professionals, either risking their work or offering their perspectives, all for the good of the craft. During my conferences with them I again heard these professional voices sound confidently with experience. (They’ve all been writing for awhile.) They shared the work, defended it, listened to how it might be better, and described their processes and creative choices.

I wanted to capture this last part—how they do what they do, why they write, what they write about and where that even came from. Writing is such a silent, lonely art that, even for writers, it isn’t always easy to explain.

But the “19 Writers” are explaining, via podcast on the Étude SoundCloud or through writing published in the IDEAS literary magazine, Énthologie (due out this spring). Each is discussing their approach to the work and sharing an excerpt.

Authors are among us. Please enjoy this talk about writing from Sarah Williams, a sophomore and author of the 110-page novel Tightrope.

March 3, 2015
by: Erica Brown

Information Night

Information Night Thumbnail

Students and families interested in learning more about I.D.E.A.S. Academy are invited to attend our Information Night on Tuesday, March 24th from 6:00-7:15 p.m.

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March 1, 2015
by: Michael Q. Hanlon

"The Curious Collection of Albert Montwhistle," Ep. 2

"The Curious Collection of Albert Montwhistle," Ep. 2 Thumbnail

The Curious Collection of Albert Montwhistle continues with Episode 2 (be sure to check out Episode 1[/highschool/ideas-blog/radio-drama-continues-the-first-episode/] from last week).

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March 1, 2015
by: Tad Phippen Wente

Older students spring ahead with college preparations

Older students spring ahead with college preparations Thumbnail

February and March are coming alive with college plans for juniors and seniors.

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February 27, 2015
by: Drew Fredrichsen

IDEAS Rock Band Class to perform

IDEAS Rock Band Class to perform Thumbnail

The public is invited to see one of the final stages of the journey the IDEAS Rock Band class has been on this trimester. Over the course of the trimester students have focused on learning key elements of what it takes to be in a rock band: communication, collaboration, and Habits of Mind.

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February 20, 2015
by: Tad Phippen Wente, Chief Curatorial Officer

Gallery News : February 20, 2015

Gallery News : February 20, 2015 Thumbnail

Across from Stuart Howland’s Visual Arts classroom, a collection of charcoal drawings captures our attention: human figures—their faces provocative, shadowed, lit by an unknown source; shapes—a simple vase, a barely discernible collection, an object. We stop to wonder. The images, drawn by IDEAS Academy students in the Visioning Seminar, are not instantly accessible. They make us think.

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February 15, 2015
by: Michael Q Hanlon and Kimberly Johnson

"The Curious Collection of Albert Montwhistle," Ep. 1

"The Curious Collection of Albert Montwhistle," Ep. 1 Thumbnail

The IDEAS Acting Seminar is back with another radio drama podcast. This time it is an original script written by our very own drama teacher, Mike Hanlon[/about-us/staff/michael-q-hanlon/], "The Curious Collection of Albert Montwhistle." This is episode 1, but students will serialize the work through multiple episodes in February.

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February 15, 2015
by: Kimberly Johnson

IDEAS Project Feature | Psychology's Influence on Culture

IDEAS Project Feature | Psychology's Influence on Culture Thumbnail

Hannah Staats is a sophomore at IDEAS Academy. For her IDEAS Project this fall semester, she followed her curiosity about self-enhancement bias through a course of research in order to uncover and interpret the following question:

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February 12, 2015
by: Erica Brown & Kimberly Johnson

Camp Étude cooks collaborate with Chef Rob Hurrie of Black Pig

Camp Étude cooks collaborate with Chef Rob Hurrie of Black Pig Thumbnail

The kitchen at IDEAS Academy might be small, but the conversation, laughter, aromas, and possibilities are large. The Cooking Club meets weekly as part of our after school program, Camp Étude, and they prepare a dish from scratch: lasagna, guacamole, and soups for example.

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February 10, 2015
by: Tad Phippen Wente, College Readiness Coordinator

Visit to LTC Discovery Day extends beyond the fieldtrip

Visit to LTC Discovery Day extends beyond the fieldtrip Thumbnail

Nineteen IDEAS Academy juniors attended LTC Discovery Day this morning to focus on specific career areas and learn what Lakeshore Area Technical College offers. Three seniors and one sophomore also participated.

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