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December 22, 2015
by: Janelle Bane

First Grade Body Books: All About Bones

This trimester, first grade students are investigating the question: How does the human body work? 

At home, parents traced the outlines of their child on white paper and glued them to thick cardboard, one page for each system. It is on these life-sized paper cut-outs that each student will illustrate the systems of their body to scale. Over the course of the unit, each page of the Body Book will explore a different body system and how it functions. 

body in text


Page one is the skeletal system. To begin, each class listed things they already knew about bones, questions they had about bones, and explored the sounds of bones in Drama class. They have observed how their own bones feel under their skin, shared experiences they’ve had with broken bones, and wondered how their bones support them in everyday life.

body thinking in text

To help answer their questions and find out more, they have been reading books about bones, the skeletal system and bodies in general. Earlier that week, each class had Reading Centers, when small groups of students work with their teacher and parent volunteers in guided reading practice. Mrs. Beilke’s class read What’s Inside of Me?, a text listing the major organs in each system, practicing sight words and reading strategies. Mrs. McKeone’s class worked with a text comparing and contrasting different animal skeletons. They even drew connections to their previous butterfly migration unit wondering if caterpillars would have more bones than an adult butterfly, the same way human human babies have more bones than adults.

Bodies Reading

They use their own bodies and a skeletal diagram to ascertain where the bones go and how they are situated in relation to another. Students in Mrs. Beilke’s class offered each other some strategies on how to get accurate placements of facial structures, such as using a certain number of finger-widths between nose and eyes as a guide, or noticing the nose is placed on the same plane as the ears on the skull. Some students checked out their face in a mirror to get a better feel for how they should draw the details of the skull. In Mrs. McKeone’s class, they used their belly button and elbow as a reference point for placement of the rib cage and arm bones, respectively.

body slide 10

Students use their own bodies and research texts to draw to-scale models of their skeletal system.

Some students in Mrs. McKeone’s class found drawing the curved shape of the rib cage difficult to transfer to their model. As a class, they came up with some ways to help make it easier. One student noticed that the rib cage as a whole was shaped like an upside-down heart, which you could lightly draw on the model to get the right shape. Another student noticed that each rib was about the same width as a finger, so they could trace their fingers as a model for each rib.  In partners, they used warm and cool feedback to make sure each model showed good detail and was accurate.

The next page of the Life-Sized Body Book will be the Nervous system. After more questioning, researching, and discussing the nerves and how we are able to feel, students will have a brand new blank body to fill in with to-scale drawings of nerves for their books.

Page through the Photo Gallery below to see more photos from research and the attention to detail students put into drawing their skeletons. 

December 21, 2015
by: Janelle Bane

Second and Third Graders Learn About Geography in the Field

Second and Third Graders Learn About Geography in the Field Thumbnail

The second and third grade classes visited Pigeon River, Kohler Andrae Park and The Kettle Moraines over the last three months to make observations and work together in the classroom to research Wisconsin landforms, practice reading and writing skills, and integrate movement into their research. Through trips to area landscapes, each classroom brought their knowledge and questions back to school as tools for learning and extending by thinking critically about what they’ve seen.

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December 17, 2015
by: Tad Phippen Wente, College Readiness Coordinator

Juniors learn about advantages of Two-Year Colleges from UW-Sheboygan Rep

Juniors learn about advantages of Two-Year Colleges from UW-Sheboygan Rep Thumbnail

IDEAS Academy juniors learned about attending UW-Sheboygan Tuesday, Dec. 15, when Admissions Recruiter Milissa Kloida came to speak. She focused on the “big decisions” young people need to make about living, finances, and career.

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December 14, 2015
by: Ted Hamm

Simply, Thank You

Simply, Thank You Thumbnail

Dear Families, Students, Staff, Supporters, and Friends

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December 4, 2015
by: Janelle Bane

A Trimester of Bee Research and Learning with the Fourth and Fifth Graders

A Trimester of Bee Research and Learning with the Fourth and Fifth Graders Thumbnail

In the first trimester of the year, the fourth and fifth graders of ESAA studied ecosystems. What better way to study ecosystems than through the lens of bees and their contribution to a healthy environment. To begin, each class performed a “Generate and Sort” thinking routine that helped to grasp knowledge students already had about bees and captured all the questions students have about our buzzing friends. This research continues throughout the trimester, learning more about bees to better understand why they are important to our ecosystem, and culminating in a final project to help support bees and their important work. 20150921 142310

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November 30, 2015
by: Janelle Bane

Giving Tuesday: Fantastic Ways to Show Your Love for Étude

Giving Tuesday: Fantastic Ways to Show Your Love for Étude Thumbnail

Tomorrow, December 1st, is a day that has become widely known as *Giving Tuesday*[http://www.givingtuesday.org/about/], a term coined by the 92nd Street Y in New York City in 2012. Falling in line after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving to charities and causes you care about. Now, you can include The Étude Group of Schools in your #GivingTuesday plans through the Étude Sessions.

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November 29, 2015
by: Ted Hamm

Presentations of Learning: Thoughts as a Parent and Advisor

Presentations of Learning: Thoughts as a Parent and Advisor  Thumbnail

Dear Families,

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November 25, 2015
by: Ted Hamm

Have A Playful Thanksgiving!

Have A Playful Thanksgiving! Thumbnail

As we head into Thanksgiving weekend, I want to wish everyone a playful Thanksgiving and encourage everyone to take time for a little free play. Free play is cited has helping build resilient children in a recent article titled, "How Free Play Can Define Kids’ Success". The article points out that creative play can help our kids develop resiliency by developing:

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November 23, 2015
by: Janelle Bane

With Amazon Smile, Your Purchases Help Build Community

With Amazon Smile, Your Purchases Help Build Community Thumbnail

Here at The Étude Group of Schools, IDEAS Academy, The Mosaic School, and Elementary School for Arts and Academics, we value not only the community within our walls, but what impact we make as individuals and as a group in our larger community. Through project-based learning, we can situate our academic learning into real-life, relevant issues in our community like monarch migration[/elementaryschool/esaa-blog/first-grade-exhibitions-of-learning-why-are-butterflies-important/], native species awareness[/middleschool/mosaic-blog/mosaic-at-maywood-native-animals-and-energy-transfers/], and high school health[/highschool/ideas-blog/ideas-human-anatomy-and-physiology-class-hold-health-fair-at-school/]. If this is something you value, we'd like you to consider supporting us in our mission[/about-us/educational-program/].

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November 21, 2015
by: Janelle Bane

First Grade Exhibitions of Learning: Why are Butterflies Important?

First Grade Exhibitions of Learning: Why are Butterflies Important? Thumbnail

The first grade students of ESAA have spent the trimester exploring the question, “Why are monarch butterflies important?” Butterfly habitats, conservation, and the environment in general is an extremely relevant topic at the moment and also provides many opportunities to incorporate science, literacy, movement, and music.

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