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Étude Elementary Blog

October 8, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

The Étude Sessions Part 2

In my last blog, I shared with you some of the origins of the Étude Sessions. As we move ahead with the sessions this year, we see the funds raised as having a significant impact across all three of our schools. The central purpose of the sessions is to build community. With that in mind, we want to the funds raised to go towards building a stronger community by supporting our young people. This will take the shape of:

  • Funding our college readiness trips. Research shows that high school students need to visit 5 different types of schools prior to making a choice on a college. These trips provide our students with that foundation to make a good decision. It is part of the reason our college acceptance rates are between 80% - 90+%.
  • Supporting projects. At all three schools, use inquiry projects to engage students in academic content as well as skills essential to be successful in a world that increases creative and innovative thinking skills. At ESAA, we see projects such as our kindergarten farm project where students study aspects of the farm and then develop real world solutions to help the farm animals. At IDEAS and Mosaic, these are often student directed and initiated projects that require vast array of resources and materials.
  • Supporting ESAA in its new location. As ESAA settles into its new location, we have a strong vision of creating a rich and engaging learning environment. The use of makerspaces inside the building as places for creative play is essential. Outside, we see the opportunity to have students create habit for long term study of the environment. While the PTO supports these initiatives, we need to be able to have multiple sources of funding.
  • Career development for our middle and high schoolers. Central to our vision of career development for our Mosaic and IDEAS students is putting our students in meaningful interactions with professionals. The funds raised in the Étude Sessions will help us take students to firms such as Trek Bicycle to see how the design and engineering process come to life. It will also allow us to bring in local professionals to work through real life scenarios and provide meaningful feedback to our students. Interacting with professionals around issues core to their professionals gives our students a meaningful look into what the real work of professionals looks like.
  • International travel for our high school students. This school year a group of our students who have been studying spanish will be taking service trip to Nicaragua. Through funds raised via the Étude Sessions, we want to be able to offer scholarships to students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it. These trips are an important way for our students to continue their study of spanish in a way that immerses them in a cultural. Through this students can understand economic and political issues first hand.

These funds are vital to us improving our community through our young people. We appreciate the support we have received in the past and look for your support in growing the Étude Session as a way to support our students while creating community.

October 4, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

The Étude Sessions Part 1

The Étude Sessions Part 1 Thumbnail

Last year we started a concert series, called the Étude Sessions, as a way to raise funds for our schools.

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September 16, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

State Report Card

State Report Card Thumbnail

Last year the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction implemented a reporting system which gives an annual report card to each public school in the state.

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September 8, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

Parent Connections Night

Parent Connections Night  Thumbnail

One of core values of our schools is to develop a connected, participatory community.

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September 7, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

Week 1 Reflections

Week 1 Reflections Thumbnail

Well, we have closed our first week of school at IDEAS and Mosaic. It has been a great week!

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September 1, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

Open Letter to IDEAS Academy Students

Open Letter to IDEAS Academy Students  Thumbnail

I am writing to you on the eve of our 2014-2015 school year at IDEAS Academy, because I have worked with teachers and students over the...

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August 21, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

ESAA Kindergarten

ESAA Kindergarten Thumbnail

We are pleased to announce that we will be adding a second Kindergarten class to ESAA for the 2014-15 school year.

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May 27, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

Exhibitions - Spring 2014

Exhibitions - Spring 2014 Thumbnail

This coming Tuesday through Thursday, IDEAS Academy will hold its second semester Exhibitions of Learning.

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May 21, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

May PTO Summary

May PTO Summary  Thumbnail

At our last PTO meeting, I gave an overview of some of the changes that will be coming for the 2014-15 school year. Some of these changes are coming from the district and therefore are ones we need to work with while others are initiated at the school level. In order to help parents understand these changes, I will be holding a meeting at Paradigm on Friday, May 23rd at 9:30 to review the changes and answer questions. Below is a synopsis of the changes.

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April 23, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

PTO Meeting Summary

PTO Meeting Summary  Thumbnail

We are looking for your input into the concepts below, specifically, around how they might impact your engagement in our community.

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