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Étude Elementary Blog

January 23, 2015
by: The Étude Group

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The Étude Sessions blog is home to the stories behind Good Music + Good Cause. It is the best place to find information about upcoming shows and learn how the money raised through the shows is supporting students in all three of The Étude Group schools: ESAA, Mosaic, and IDEAS.

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Etude Sessions Poster 2014 15

January 20, 2015
by: Libby Schmitz

How Do Animals Influence Human Life?

How Do Animals Influence Human Life? Thumbnail

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January 19, 2015
by: Dan Burkey

Join us for the Winter Arts Program!

Join us for the Winter Arts Program! Thumbnail

On Tuesday, January 27th, ESAA parents are invited to our Winter Arts Program at 2:00 PM in the gym. At ESAA, our goal is to integrate the arts into all our learning, and this year’s Winter Arts Program will celebrate that process with student performances demonstrating the way we learn through the performing and visual arts. Each grade level will give performances of material they created in their project-based learning (PBL) units for this trimester, including forces and motion, and winter celebrations in world cultures. Also in the gym, a student art gallery will show how we explore the same subjects through the visual arts.

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January 17, 2015
by: Kimberly Johnson

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ESAA is committed to sharing our thoughtful and vibrant community with our families and community members interested in our school. One of the primary ways that we tell the story of learning at ESAA is through this blog. If you would like to receive our blog posts by email, please click here. Enter your email address, subscribe, and then please check your email to "activate" your subscription.

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January 16, 2015
by: Rachel Pekarek

Native American arts and legends captivate ESAA students

Native American arts and legends captivate ESAA students Thumbnail

What can we learn from past use of Wisconsin’s natural resources to build a better future?That is the question that ESAA second and third graders are just beginning to ponder. For the first part of this question, students looked through a cultural lens to study Native Americans. The students read and listened to many Native American legends to learn about their beliefs and culture. The students began to understand the importance of nature, geography, animals, and natural resources through these legends.

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January 12, 2015
by: Libby Schmitz

Kindergarten Celebrates Peace and Light

Kindergarten Celebrates Peace and Light  Thumbnail

K EOL 1 "When we understand each other we create peace, it's when we do not that we create war..."

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January 11, 2015
by: Libby Schmitz

ESAA Students Present to Board

ESAA Students Present to Board  Thumbnail

Three ESAA 2/3 grade students presented their trimester-long study of birds to the SASD Board of Education back in November. The students, taking on the role of young scientists, expertly described the observation process taken to create their field guide journals and study of bird habitats. This, in result, accumulated their three month long Project Based Learning unit and rewarded them with ownership in their own knowledge and discovery of birds.

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January 6, 2015
by: Kara Pasche

For the Birds

For the Birds Thumbnail

This year, second and third grade students are on a journey to understand how animals, people, and plants adapt to our local environment. During the first trimester, students have been working through the essential question, “How can I create an environment to attract birds and share my information with the ESAA community?” In order to answer this larger question, students asked and answered many wonders using the creative process.

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January 2, 2015
by: Libby Schmitz

Exploring Force and Energy

Exploring Force and Energy  Thumbnail

4th and 5th grade students have been exploring the physics behind what makes roller coasters man-made, gravity defying wonders. The thinking routine used in the beginning of their discovery was "Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate" to introduce the scientific method and give students a better understanding of how scientists develop their research and discovery process. The task was then to design and create their own model versions of roller coasters through a series of trial and error. Before building the roller coasters however, our student scientists carefully designed a blueprint that demonstrated kinetic and potential energy, centripetal force, friction, and inertia. Through this hands-on discovery, our 4th and 5th grade students came away with a new knowledge of how science can explain the natural world.

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December 23, 2014
by: Ted Hamm

We are the Willows: Live in the Local Show

We are the Willows: Live in the Local Show  Thumbnail

We are the Willows live on the Minneapolis TV show, The Local Show.

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