We are excited to invite you to ESAA’s Trimester 1 Exhibitions of Learning (EoLs) on Friday, November 18, 2016. EoLs are the students’ culminating presentation of projects. These exhibitions illustrate the integration academics, arts, and our Habits of Mind and Learning found in students’ projects. Students share their learning and problem solving through the creative process. Exhibitions of Learning are also an opportunity for friends and families to participate in the learning by asking questions and giving feedback to students on topics such as the process, working together as group, how the students’ thinking changed, or how might their newly gained knowledge be relevant beyond the project.
This year we have changed the format so that all of ESAA’s Exhibitions of Learning occur on the same day. This change allows students and families to see the learning that takes place throughout the school. It is an opportunity to see how authentic projects lead students to be more self directed and to explore concepts and ideas on a deeper level. Also, we have made this change with the hope that holding EoLs on the same day will be more convenient for parents and families to attend.
On November 18th, students will share their learning about Native American use of natural resources, how students have helped the monarch population, and how learning about early United States democratic processes helped students improve recess at ESAA. All Exhibitions of Learning will be held in the gym at the following times.
9:00am Mrs. Pasche - 2/3 multiage
Essential Question: What can we learn from past use of Wisconsin’s natural resources to build
a better future?
10:00am Mrs. Pekarek - 2/3 multiage
Essential Question: What can we learn from past use of Wisconsin’s natural resources to build
a better future?
12:00pm Mrs. Beilke and Mrs. McKeone - 1st grade
Essential Question: Why are Monarch Butterflies important?
1:00pm Mrs. Faul - 4/5 multiage
Essential Question: How can we work together for a common purpose?
2:00pm Mr. Scharenbroch - 4/5 multiage
Essential Question: How can we work together for a common purpose?
First trimester kindergarten does not share their learning through an Exhibition of Learning. They will attend the EoLs and use the experience to learn about what an EoL is, reflecting afterward through a thinking routine. They will share their learning with their parents at their Presentations of Learning at the end of November. We look forward to kindergarten students joining the school in presenting their learning at the second trimester EoLs.