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Director's Blog

August 30, 2017
by: Ted Hamm, Director

Personalization in Math

For the 2017-2018 school year, we will be restructuring our Étude High School Math Department in order to provide more personalized learning opportunities for all high school students at all levels of math. We will be utilizing a combination of existing staff expertise and some online tools to offer a range of course options along with in depth exploration of mathematical concepts through projects.

Our existing staff bring a lot of experience and energy to this new structure. Becky Knight will be teaching Alternative Representations, Physical Math, and Abstract Thought; Tim Pasche will teach Calculus; and Courtney Kissinger will cross over from our Middle School staff to teach two sections of Exploring Variables.

These changes are exciting for our school community and our math program for many reasons. Our move to personalized learning will allow students to work at their own pace in order to master skills and to further understand the connections that occur in mathematics. Students will also benefit from a classroom experience that will support their practice and application of mathematical concepts. Our experienced teachers will provide mini lessons, discussion prompts, peer collaboration opportunities, and answers to questions students may have throughout their learning process. Finally, students will not just learn the content and move on; they will apply their mathematics and problem solving skills to authentic projects each trimester. By using a personalized learning approach with projects embedded throughout, students are getting the best opportunity to grow with personalized mathematics instruction, rigorous content, and authentic application of these concepts in the real world.

August 22, 2017
by: Ted hamm

More than Just a Party

More than Just a Party Thumbnail

Today is a day of celebration for our schools. A day to unify our schools under one name, to unveil our new look (see our social media sites), and to celebrate 10 years as a public charter schools in the Sheboygan Area School District. Today also represents a year’s worth of behind the scenes work that culminates our schools working to solve an issue that has been challenging us for some time.

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November 24, 2016
by: Ted hamm

A Thanksgiving Reflection

A Thanksgiving Reflection  Thumbnail

A friend of mine recently reminded me of the history of the Thanksgiving holiday. In thinking about the original Thanksgiving meal I am quick to forget that the origins of the this day becoming a national holiday go back to the Civil War. I have put the original proclamation below for you to read. Putting these words in the context of the time they were written, one of the most divisive times in our national history, reminds us of the intent of the day. We are to take a day, put our differences aside, to simply gather peacefully. I hope today is a day for all of us to gather peacefully and consider those things we have to be thankful for.

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October 10, 2016
by: Ted Hamm

Good Music: This is How we Fundraise

Good Music: This is How we Fundraise  Thumbnail

Dear Parents, Students, and Friends,

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May 22, 2016
by: Ted Hamm

IDEAS Students Shape Tradition

IDEAS Students Shape Tradition Thumbnail

Many of you have noticed that we changed the name of Morp this year to May Ball. As with any decision in our school, this was not a decision made without student voice and research.

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April 3, 2016
by: Ted Hamm

A Parent Maker Night Primer

A Parent Maker Night Primer Thumbnail

Dear Parents, Students, Staff, and Friends:

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March 8, 2016
by: Ted Hamm

Presentations of Learning: Trimester 2

Presentations of Learning: Trimester 2 Thumbnail

Each trimester we take a day and a half have our students reflect on their learning. I feel it is important to share a few thoughts about this. I wrote in depth about this last trimester in a blog[directors-blog/presentations-of-learning-thoughts-as-a-parent-and-advisor/] sharing my perspective as an advisor at IDEAS and a parent at ESAA.

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February 26, 2016
by: Ted Hamm

Implementing the College Work Readiness Assessment at IDEAS

Implementing the College Work Readiness Assessment at IDEAS Thumbnail

Dear Parents, Students, Staff, and Friends:

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February 22, 2016
by: Susan Griffiths

Charter Contract Renewal: ESAA School Goals

Charter Contract Renewal: ESAA School Goals Thumbnail

Dear Parents, Staff, and Friends:

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February 21, 2016
by: Ted Hamm

Charter Contract Renewal: The Mosaic School's Goals

Charter Contract Renewal: The Mosaic School's Goals Thumbnail

Dear Parents, Students, Staff, and Friends:

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